Potsdam United Methodist Church
Where we let Jesus shine! Where we invite, love and nurture ALL!
Sunday Worship
11:00am Service
Pastor Heidi R. Chamberlain
Information info@potsdamumc.org

September 27th, 2020 - 17th Sunday after Pentecost : God's power and authority are not hidden from those who have eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts open to following

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Prelude: Bach: Two Chorale Preludes from the Little Organ Book

Greeting and Pastoral Prayer

Pastoral Prayer

Amazing God, Your kingdom and power are working within our lives. Today as we come to worship You send Your Holy Spirit to guide us into understanding Your presence that is with us and calling out to us in love. Open our eyes to wonders of Your miracles. Open our ears to hear the wonder of Your voice and sounds that surround us. Open our hearts to follow where You lead. Gift us faith to understand the Word that You want us to hear today.

During this time of worship, center our hearts, our souls, and our minds on Your Presence with us as we lift to you the prayers of our hearts. We know You promise to hear our prayers, always, and with confidence,

We come to pray for Our Church, for it's leaders and congregation Our world and our country our loved ones - keep them: keep them in health, in safety, in comfort, in Your care Keep us, also and send forth Your Holy Spirit of truth, of comfort, and of power.

We pray for any among us who feel constrained, or emotionally distressed by our time and era and for any who need to know Your love for them in this hurting world.

We also lift to You those who need comfort as they mourn their loved ones. Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit, The comforter, who would remind us of Your promises that Nothing in life, or in Death, things present, nor things to come, nor angel or demons within our lives, nor anything in all of creation will ever be able to separate us from Your love in Jesus the Christ, our Lord.

The Lord's Prayer

Opening Hymn: No. 168 At the Name of Jesus

Call to Worship: Psalm 78: 1-4 [adapted]

  • Pastor: Listen, O people of God, to God's teachings.
  • People: We will tilt our ears toward the Words of The Lord's mouth.
  • Pastor: God will speak in proverbs;
  • People: God will declare riddles from days long gone--
  • Pastor: Hear and learn from them.
  • People: We will learn and pass them on to the next generation.
  • Pastor: Praise the Lord and God's strength;
  • People: We will declare the wondrous works God has done!

Choral Anthem: McDonald: Be Still

Unison Prayer:

Almighty and loving God, You give us so many chances to understand You and Your kingdom. You sent Jesus into the world, and yet we often miss His authority within our world. We, like the religious leaders of Jesus' time, we compromise His, and Your authority to blend into the expectations of other people, fearing rejection or anger. Open our eyes, ears, and hearts to Your Truth. Send Your Holy Spirit to guide us into understanding Your ways that lead to peace. Be merciful toward us when we intentionally ignore Your call on our lives to live a certain way, or do a certain ministry we don't want to do. Show us how, like Jesus, we can choose to do Your will and know Your empowerment within our journey of faith. Help us see the miracles You bring into our lives, so we are more willing to follow Yours ways.

Hymn: No. 405 Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God

Gospel Reading and message:

Closing Hymn: No. 157 Jesus Shall Reign Where'er the Sun

Benediction: [adapted]

  • Pastor: God is able to perform so much within our lives;
  • People: We ask the Lord to guide into the Truth shown by God.
  • Pastor: Jesus has the authority to make a difference in our lives;
  • People: We ask the Lord to guide into the Truth shown by Jesus.
  • Pastor: The Holy Spirit is able to guide us in our understanding of God's kingdom.
  • People: We ask the Lord to Send us the Holy Spirit to teach us.
  • Pastor: God's kingdom and authority abides with us.
  • People: We will choose to follow the Lord in the integrity of our hearts.

Postlude: Bock, arr.: Postlude on Old Hundredth, played by Jeff Brummel