The Potsdam United Methodist Church has been on the same block in the center of Potsdam since 1820, although on two lots and in three different buildings. The present structure has been our home for over a century.
As might be expected from a church with that long a history and which has one of the finest collection of Horwood stained glass windows anywhere, our services are traditional. The traditional service is, however, imbued with enthusiasm you might expect from a much younger and less traditional church.
That is because we build on our tradition as opposed to allowing it to imprison us.
Our services are built around the scriptures and inspire us to mission and ministry. We are open to those with different theological perspectives.
Our congregation is varied. We have senior citizens and parents of young children. We have persons of different origins, education levels, and economic resources. We do not always agree. But together we serve Christ in Potsdam and beyond.
We believe that each person who becomes a part of us makes us better by adding their gifts, experiences, ideas, and service to those already here. We invite you to make us better.
The Potsdam United Methodist church is a member of the Upper New York Conference.