Sunday School Presentation
Sunday School takes place during the regular Sunday worship service. Children begin church in the sanctuary with their families, and immediately following Children's Moment students proceed downstairs. Here they learn songs, participate in offering and recite the Lord's Prayer. They learn Bible lessons, have discussions and participate in crafts and projects. When communion is served the children return to the worship service to partake.
Contact the church secretary info for more information.
The Nursery is staffed and available to all infants and toddlers who find it difficult to sit through a church service. It is located downstairs next to the Sunday School area. Parents are welcome to stay and listen to the service through a speaker or they can return to the worship service.
Contact the church secretary info for more information.
Confirmation classes are offered every other year to students who are age 12 by the spring of that year. Classes cover such topics as the meaning of Christianity, scripture familiarity, responsibilities of membership, Methodism and Methodist history.