November 23:
Call: Ezekiel 34: 11-16 Read: W&S #158 Text: Matthew 25: 31-40; Ezekiel 20-24 Close: Ephesians 1: 15-23 Sheep and Subjects Every year on this Sunday I remind you or I inform you that next Sunday is the first Sunday in Advent And therefore, the 1st Sunday of the new Christian year I also follow that up by making sure that you are aware That that makes this Sunday the last Sunday of the present Christian year and that it is known as "Christ The King" Sunday And then having built up your curiosity and your enthusiasm your fascination with what I am telling you and your panting-like thirst for more information I point out that the reason this Sunday is called "CTK" Sunday. Is oh, so simple - even obvious For since we begin the Christian or liturgical year Praying for and preparing for God to send a messiah king It is only appropriate for us to close the year celebrating that God has sent the king remembering what that king has done for us. And giving God our thanks for the king. I am always amazed that.having brought my dissertation to a such a crescendo, No one has ever stood up, applauded, and said, "Thank you, brother." But since everyone here knows all that information this year I am not going to repeat it to you Instead, we are going to observe CTK Sunday By taking a look at what is expected of us as subjects Of the king God sent. As I set out to do that I discovered that the scriptures proposed for today Do not use the word king Instead referring to Christ as a shepherd. In the passage from Ezekiel that called us to worship we heard references to the shepherd seeking his flocks feeding his sheep providing them with a secure fold tending to the sheep with kindness and justice. "It is not Christ the Shepherd Sunday!" I stated indignantly, but silently and to no one in particular But then I paused and reflected. As I did so, I began to see that kings and shepherds Are far more similar than I had realized. Both the king and the shepherd promise to protect, The king to protect his subjects The shepherd to protect his sheep. And both the king and the shepherd expect the same things The king expects the subjects to obey and to trust. The shepherd expects the sheep to obey and to trust. There are two kinds of kings One rules by force, might, power, and fear The other rules by kindness, justice, love and compassion. The former is the military king Who was really what the Jews expected of the messiah The latter is the shepherd king Who was really what the Jews received in the messiah. Our text from Matthew 25, sticks with the shepherd image. [Matthew 25: 31-33] But, in introducing us to the "Human One" or "Son of Man" By comparing him to a shepherd Uses words like "throne" and "majesty" And talks of him "judging nations." Those are "king-type" words And the text proceeds by setting out some of what the king expects from his subjects and what the shepherd expects from his sheep [Matthew 25: 34-40] Note: the kindness and compassion The giving and the caring Note too: the interaction with outcasts on the lower level of the socio-economic spectrum. Those less fortunate are Christ the Shepherd's sheep. Those less fortunate are Christ the king's subjects. And if ever a congregation has had the opportunity To see what it is like to be Christ's sheep and subjects It is this one. For we have just spent about three months Looking at his first sheep and his first subjects. The expectations for how we are to live as subjects of the one we call our king the one for whom we pray that God will send at the beginning of each year are set out in the lessons of the early church We must take them seriously and we must allow them to become a part of our character. Those expectations began with the general and proceeded to the more specific The theme was set out in Christ's Great Commission Christ expects us to be his subjects on this earth Christ expects us to be his witnesses and to make more disciples for him And Christ expectations are possible Because of the Holy Spirit being made available to us. And now to the more specific: Christ expects us to serve in a community - not just as indivduals a community brought together by his love. A community in which we share the gifts God has given to us or allowed us to obtain Christ our king expects us to use our gifts to help each other and to - together - help others. All of us who are sheep and subjects of Jesus Christ Have something to give the king's community And all of us are expected to use those gifts for the king and for the community Of course, we can always choose to keep those gifts for ourselves And simply pretend to others that we have given our all for our king's community Ananias and Sopphira made that choice Christ expects his subjects to live up to his expectations Even when it causes us physical and emotional pain Even when it isn't popular with some important people Our king expects us to stubbornly share his story So that we feel and live the response that Peter and John Gave to the council when it ordered them to stop talking about Jesus Christ, "As for us" they said, "we can't stop speaking about what we have seen and heard." Our king expects us to adjust and adapt to new situations which, of course, requires us To talk with and listen to each other and to Christ In order to find solutions to any problems we have This was the approach of those early subjects when the Greek speaking widows were not getting their allotment Those subjects found a solution in the seven deacons. We are expected to be willing to pay a price for our king. Stephen did and he did so w/o complaint In fact he begged his king to forgive those who stoned him. Hand in hand with this is the expectation that we understand that not everything will be rosy for the subjects of our king Paul knew this, but his position was that "If we are to enter [and I would add, "remain" in] God's kingdom, we must pass through many troubles." Can't you almost hear Jesus singing, Lynn Anderson's "I Never Promised You a Rose Garden." And speaking of paying prices and things not being rosy we must never forget the price our king paid for us. We are expected to understand that Christ's kingdom Is inclusive and not exclusive. Therefore, We are expected to share the story and glory of our king with others Including others who may not seem to be like us That's what Peter, Philip and Paul did And we are expected to welcome others with open arms The Ananias we meet after Saul's conversion And the Barnabas we meet when Saul arrived in Jerusalem welcomed their former persecutor when most of Christ's followers were afraid In fact Ananias and probably Barnabas were afraid too But their trust for their king trumped that fear We are expected to recognize that the king is in charge. We may want to do something or go somewhere But that may not be what the king wants us to do or where the king wants us to go. We may want to go into Asia or Bithynia The king may insist that we go to Macedonia instead. We may think that we are going to spend our life in the court room The king may insist that we spend it in the pulpit. We may want that flat screen TV or that Caribbean cruise But the king may insist that we support ministry and mission And so as this Christian or liturgical year ends we ask ourselves Do we really want to be Christ's subjects and sheep If our answer is "No!" Let's skip Advent and Christmas Why would we want to, and how in good conscience, could we celebrate the birth of a king whose expectations we don't want to fulfill? But most of us will answer with an informed "Yes!" And if we do, We can be sure that during our remaining days on this earth Christ will give us many, many more opportunities To meet the varied expectations of our shepherd king. Today, being Stewardship Sunday Is one of those opportunities.