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July 27:
Call: Matthew 13: 31-32 Text: Romans 8: 26-28, 35-39 Read: W&S #43 Psalm: Psalm 105: 1-11, 45b (828) Closing: Matthew 13: 44-52 WRKTGTHR FR GD In the summer newsletter I abolished and prohibited the term "summer vacation" because all too often it leads us to believe that we must vacate worshiping and communing with God during the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day between the end of one program year and the beginning of the next. I replaced the abolished term with a new one: I called it "Reflective Intersession" In doing so, I hoped to convey the idea that this time is a gift, A gift of an opportunity to reflect, read, and worship In order to strengthen our relationship with God And to strengthen our understanding of that relationship I have been using my Reflective Intersession to do that. And one of the conclusions I have reached is That I am important! That may sound a bit - perhaps quite a bit - immodest But it is true. I am important. I am important to God And I am important to you Whether you are an admirer or a detractor I am, as your pastor, important to you. Too, You are important! This is likewise true. Although it is considerably less immodest for me to point this fact out. You are important You are important to God You are important to me And You are important to each other. And all that is good. But you know what? There have been times when some of you have disappointed me And there have been times when some of you have annoyed me And even though you are important to me, This too is true. Of course, There have been times when some of you have been disappointed by me And there have been times when some of you have been annoyed by me And even though I believe I am important to you I know this too is true [In fact, I recognize that it is quite likely that I have disappointed and annoyed you more often than you have disappointed and annoyed me.] Another relevant and incontrovertible fact is That you and I have - way too often, I might add - Annoyed and disappointed God And yet, each of us remains - and will continue to remain - important to God We have been placed in this village and in this building, and in this diverse group that we call a congregation not because we never disappoint, annoy, or disagree, but because God put us together - for a purpose And that purpose is: To worship, to share, and to serve God. As a team that works together. We are expected to do so Even when we do disappoint each other Even when we do annoy each other And Even when we do disappoint and annoy God All congregations and pastors need to understand us Because for some reason, God so often chooses to work through flawed followers And this is where our textual scripture from Paul's letter to the church of Rome and the two scriptures from Matthew - both our call and our closing come into play. For all those scriptures - and many, many, many others - Remind us that we are not only important But also that despite our many flaws and our numerous failures all of us are needed and even essential in order to fulfill the purpose of our coming together, Now, in the 19th - and even well into the twentieth - century Preachers often took a single verse of scripture as their text. I have virtually never done that Not only because the suggested lectionary scriptures always have more than one verse, But also because most scriptures require the context of a multi-verse text. However, for this morning, I am going to turn back the clock. I am going to be like those older preachers - albeit without the hour long sermons that they used to give. For I am going to limit myself to only one of the eight verses That the bulletin shows as our text. That verse is Romans 8: 28 And I am about to present it without its originally anticipated seven companions. I do so, in order to make sure that it does not get lost among, Or hidden by, the other words we would have heard. I urge you to listen to it; I urge you to remember it; I urge you to take it seriously And I pledge to you that I will too Our scripture: [Romans 8: 28] "We know" Paul writes not: we think not: we suppose not: we guess But "We know" "We understand" "We are confident" that all things do indeed work together for good for those who love God for those who are called according to God's purpose Do we know that? Do we really know that? Or do we simply give lip service to it? We answer those questions with our answer to another question: "Do we live our lives relying on the fact that all things - no matter how difficult or challenging do work together for good for those who love God Romans 8:28 is a confession of faith Not merely a nice sounding proverb. That confession, as Paul Achtemeier points out in his commentary, Is NOT "some Pollyanna unwillingness to admit evil even when it slaps us in the face." [Interpretation "Acts" at p. 143] No, it is a confession that "because we are in God's hands, the kind of God who sent his own Son for us, all things will finally resolve into good" [pp. 143-144] "All things" is a broad term, it includes "people" people like you and me people who sometimes disagree people who sometimes disappoint and annoy each other And thus it seems to me that Not only should we find this passage comforting When we are challenged Or when everything seems to be going wrong And boy it is comforting on those occasions. But we should also find it instructive For us as individuals who are a part of a congregation. For all the people in a congregation must work together for good We are all essential; We are all needed And when some of us get annoyed or disappointed; when some of us sulk in self pity and decide to withdraw or drop back; and when some of us allow disappointments, disagreements, and annoyances to take priority over working together We fail. We fail as individual followers And We make it more difficult for the congregation To accomplish and fulfill God's purpose for us When any of us fail to carry our weight We become like the missing vowels and missing space In the message title On the sign out front And in the bulletins in your hands. The absence of vowels and spaces Made it harder to understand that this morning we would be talking about God's expectation that you and I "Work together for good." Most of you figured out what the title was saying But it took more time and more effort. If I had left out the other two spaces it would have been even harder It would have required even more effort. That is because we are like the vowels and the spaces Important Needed Even Essential When we are missing It is harder for the consonants to do their job It is harder for the words to communicate the message The Matthew scriptures nicely frame our text In our call to worship we heard Christ explain That even the tiny mustard seed Contributes as a part of God's creation For it grows into a tree or bush And gives the birds a place to rest. And in the closing scripture Christ points out that The old is as important as the new; and The new is as important as the old. Working together involves The big and the little The old and the new The rich and the poor All important; all needed; all essential And together they all can and should, - our scriptures tell us - Work together for good. Paul wrote: We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, Who are called according to his purpose. Paul says that we know that Do we? Do our lives reflect that we know? If not, hadn't we better start learning?