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June 15:
Call: Matthew 28: 16-20 Text: 2 Corinthians 13: 11-13 Closing: Genesis 1: 27-31 Prayer: W&S 79 Psalm: None Up - To Us Part II Today is Fathers Day A day important to me in part because I am a father But more importantly Because I have a human father Who loves me and set a good example for me And because I have a heavenly father Who also loves me and set a good example Today is Sunday School Presentation Day A day important to me because I am a pastor And just as importantly because it is a reminder Of the gifts of our students and teachers Of the many years when I taught Sunday School And of the time years ago when I was in Sunday school Of course, it is also important to me because this is one the few Sundays of the year when I am under virtually no pressure After all, even I know that what I say is not likely to be remembered All the comments later today will be about what the children did and rightfully so. And finally, today is Trinity Sunday When we recognize the three parts of God: Creator Christ and Holy Spirit Trinity Sunday is the day that we wrap up The Ascension/Pentecost story The story that completes the revelation of the 2nd and 3rd parts of the Trinity. We wrap them up today by reviewing the story through the questions we ask when we try to understand in the hope of storing them in our minds, hearts, and souls I call these questions "The Five Ws and the Lonely H": Who? What? Where? When? Why? and How? This morning, we ask and we answer those six questions We begin with "Who?" Who are the persons for whom the stories are told? That answer is easy "Who?" "Who?" and "Who?" The disciples and Jim and you For just as Jesus Christ began his ascension into heaven He told the disciples And He told me And He told you That there was something he wanted them and he wants us to do. That of course brings us to the next question: What? What were the disciples to do? And what are you and I to do? If we paid attention two weeks ago, this question is also easy. What did Christ expect the disciples to do? What does Christ expect us to do? He expected them to be his witnesses He expects us - despite our being forever flawed and faulty to be his witnesses. Next in the examination sextuplet is "Where?" Where were they and where are we to be his witnesses? Well, "where" for the disciples was "In Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria and to the ends of the earth" For you and me, that translates to our being his witnesses Right here in [Potsdam] [West Stockholm] And in St. Lawrence, Franklin, and Jefferson counties And throughout all of New York State And still again: "to the ends of the earth" In other words the answer to "Where?" is everywhere. Everywhere we find ourselves The final two "Ws" are "when?" and "why?" And for them we look at the second version of the ascension story. The first version was at the very beginning of Acts The second version is found at the very end of Matthew. And whereas Luke's telling of the story Deals, as we have noted, with the "where," Matthew's telling in his gospel Deals with the "when" "to the end of the age." On the time and space continuum Matthew deals with time and Luke deals with place Matthew's description of the ascension Which called us to worship this morning Also tells us "Why." It tells us that the reason we are to be witnesses Is to make disciples for Christ And the UMC Discipline adds, "for the transformation of the world" That leaves us with the "H." our last question is "How?" A question we saw answered last week, on Pentecost For how We the "who" Can understand the "why" and do the "what" "When" and "where" we are is only by the Holy Spirit. And so, with the trinity complete, we close this reflection As Paul closed his second letter to the Corinthians [13: 11-13] And as you and I prepare to witness to make disciples for Christ We do so: To the ends of the earth and until the end of the age. It is up to us to do this.