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October 27:
Call: 2 Timothy 4: 6-8, 16-18 Text: Luke 18: 9-14 Prophet: Joel 2: 23-32 The Pray-ers I trust you noticed the hyphen. The hyphen between the "Y" and the "E" On the sign In the bulletin I trust you noticed it because it is important. It is important because the emphasis in this morning's story from Luke's gospel seems to be less about the prayers Than about the pray-ers. It is more about the people praying Than about their prayers The prayers are important But primarily because they reveal who the pray-ers are And what they are like In their relationship with each other In their relationship with God. Like so many of the stories Luke has shared with us in recent weeks Our text this morning presents a sharp contrast between two characters. This morning's characters are two very different pray-ers. That contrast offers us a chance to see which of the characters we are; and to choose which one we will be. We remember the contrasting characters in the recent stories Four weeks ago we met the rich man With his purple robes and sumptuous feasts And we met Lazarus Poor, homeless, hungry and covered with sores Christ had us meet them so that We could see which one we are; and We could choose which one we will be Three weeks ago He introduced us to The slave owner And to the slave who after working for his owner all day Was expected to make and serve the owner's dinner Before being allowed to eat his own. This contrast was intentional, but different For the slave owner represented God And we had the choice as to whether To see ourselves as God's slaves or to see God as our slave and expecting God to serve and reward us for serving him. Two weeks ago the characters to whom we were introduced were nine healed lepers the ones who kept on walking; and a tenth leper, the one who returned to thank and to praise Jesus And then last week Jesus extended to us the choice between Being a powerful and unjust judge Or a pest-like woman seeking justice Rather than giving up and accepting injustice. This morning we encounter the two pray-ers: One is a Pharisee. The other is a tax collector [Luke 18: 9-14] During the past weeks, we have encountered the word "haughty." We encountered it first in a passage Paul wrote to Timothy (In which he advised the rich to not be haughty) Now, "haughty" is not a word we use often in ordinary speech We are more apt to use its synonym, "arrogant." Both "haughty" and "arrogant" mean that a person acts in a manner conveying That he/she thinks he/she is better than others. [Perhaps because we don't use it often the word "haughty" even sounds like what it means.] While we encountered that word in the letter to Timothy, we have continually encountered "haughty" behavior in the actions and the attitudes of some of the people to whom Christ has introduced us in these scriptures. The rich man thought he was better than Lazarus. The nine lepers who kept on going thought they were so important That they did not have to go back to thank Jesus The unjust judge thought he was so important That he could pay no attention to the requirements of his position; and That he could ignore God! And the spokesman for this group of haughty, arrogant individuals is the Pharisee in this morning's text. For this Pharisee not only thought he was better And not only acted like he was better (remember, he stood off to the side by himself), He actually stated that he was better And he stated that he was better in the words of what he thought was a prayer For in his payer he thanked God that he was not like other people "thieves, rogues, adulterers, or even this tax collector." The Pharisee fasted and he gave as he was expected to But his plainly stated dismissal of others Revealed his contempt for them And this is where those who have studied, math, philosophy, and logic whether in school or in life will immediately (well, almost immediately) jump to the corollary of the great commandment. For in that commandment Christ said that the greatest commandment was that we love God will all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and added that a second is like that that we love our neighbor as ourselves. In other words, loving God requires us to love our neighbor And thus the corollary goes: That since we have to love our neighbor to love God if we have contempt rather than love for our neighbor We can only conclude that we Do not love God In fact, that we have contempt for God. You and I live in a world of over seven billion people They are all God's children (Whether they know it or not) and God expects us to treat them all with love and respect not with contempt and disdain and if we don't, our attitudes tell everyone what we think of God. Treating people with love and respect means that Sometimes we will be taken advantage of Treating people with love and respect means that Sometimes we will be hurt. Recently, I have been reading chapters of "Parables from the Backside" for my personal devotions. This book was written by J. Ellsworth Kalas The same man who wrote the book the Serendipity Bible Study is using In one of the chapters (on the prodigal son) Kalas noted, "love is risky." And adds that "The outcome depends on the response of the other party." He goes on to add that while love is a gamble, that is exactly "The way God has chosen to relate to this world of ours." Finally, the words that truly struck me "If the facts of life seem to prove that, in some cases, love never wins and if you find yourself involved in a case so hopeless that you may as well give up loving, then keep on loving, no matter. For this is the way God loves, and it's the way we, therefore, ought to follow. Love doesn't have to win, because love is right. Even when love doesn't win, love is right. [p. 58] The poor Pharisee and the others for whom he spoke Didn't understand or appreciate this And Jesus had to remind his listeners not to exalt themselves Paul told Timothy that he (that is Paul) Had fought the good fight Had finished the race Had kept the faith. I believe that when you and I have finished the race that is life, we will want to be able to write those words as well. We will want to have fought the good fight We will want to have kept the faith. We have a much better chance of being able to do so if, We humble ourselves rather than exalting ourselves If we pray like the tax collector who knows he has failed Rather than the Pharisee who thinks he has succeeded But who, in reality, has demonstrated contempt for God. Having been given a chance to see who we are in the stories we now must choose who we will be.