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April 21st:
Potsdam Call: John 10: 1-16 Text: John 10: 22-30 Read: Psalm 23 (137) Miller's Window Some weeks, sermons write themselves And as my remarkably clear mind directs my fingers across the key board I marvel at how easy it is to write a sermon. This has not been one of those weeks. For a while my remarkably clogged up mind Sent no messages to my fingers And I marveled at how hard it is to write a sermon. Part of the reason for this week's difficulty Is that having successfully downshifted my energy gears So that I could actually rest on vacation I now I find that that I am not as quick as I had hoped at shifting back into the gear required for productive work and writing. In addition, I have to admit that I have spent some potential work and thinking time Watching the televised coverage of the hunt for those responsible for the Boston Marathon bombings This was an intentional choice because I believe that a pastor cannot minister from an ivory tower I believe That to be an effective servant he or she needs to be aware of what is going on in the world. And this particular event was made more personal Because Betsy's daughter lives in Belmont A community that was locked down on Friday And Marge and I have visited her there. But what really made this week difficult was that the message of these scriptures seemed so obvious that I was challenged to find anything to say that amounted to more than mere words that would fill up space and time. I wondered whether I should simply give a four sentence sermon: One: Jesus is the Good Shepherd and we are his sheep Two: Christ as the Good Shepherd may well be our most familiar and comforting image of him. Three: The OT prophet Ezekiel tells us that the Good Shepherd Cares for the sheep Rescues the sheep when they have been scattered Feeds the sheep And Tends to the weak, injured, and lost sheep Four: You and I should be thankful that we are his sheep. I might well have also tried to get a chuckle or a groan by telling you that in the fourth sentence I spelled the word "E W E" rather than "Y O U" That is certainly something that you might have expected of me. But with the exception of the specific reference to Ezekiel I would not have told you anything that you didn't already know; And probably not anything about which you needed a reminder. That brief, succinct sermon would have let us get right out to the fellowship time. That brief, succinct sermon would have let us get home so that we could do whatever we plan to do this afternoon. And that brief, succinct sermon would have saved both you and me energy because it would not have required anything of us. All we would have had to do was Smile and nod our heads in agreement. But that brief, succinct sermon would have cheated you and me. For worship requires our involvement It should encourage - and challenge us - to be involved Involved With the scripture Involved With the reflection on it Involved With our God. Worship is not passive; It is active and it is participatory. Worship is not a polite smile and a nod of the head. It is an experience where we ask questions like "How does this apply to me?" and "Is this something I need to work on?" And thus I had to shake off my post vacation lethargy, shift into a higher gear And drive more deeply into the scripture's most obvious message As I did so I found myself focusing on verses 14 and 16 "I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me." "I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice." And similarly, from the passage that I was going to read, but chose not to, Verse 27: "My sheep hear my voice I know them and they follow me." These verses demonstrate that As Christ sees things, and as he uses the terms, The relationship between the sheep and the shepherd is an intimate relationship. It is not simply a formal, business like relationship. Which can be described as "You do this for me and I will do that for you." It is a relationship where they know each other And that knowledge and that intimacy Are the reasons that the sheep follow him. The Jewish leaders of Christ's day Had come to think of their relationship with God As a formal, "quid pro quo" relationship. Thus their accent on the law. Thus also, the need for Christ (and later Paul) to establish That the relationship between God and the people Was and is one of love and grace Not of law and obedience to it. The image of Christ as the Good Shepherd (and of us as His sheep) Is a part of our understanding that love and that grace. But digging into our scripture instead of simply smiling and nodding takes us even further. It takes us to verse 15 The verse between the two on which I focused This verse tells us of Christ's declaration, "I lay down my life for the sheep." It was only after saying those words That he let us know that there are other sheep whom he wants To bring into his fold This is where my eyes began to open And I really began to understand why we need to go past the obvious and dig deeper into this scripture. For our tendency is to approach the good shepherd passage As a still photo Or a very short news clip Instead of as the opening portion of a motion picture About our relationship with Christ And his charge and commission to us But it is a motion picture A picture that begins here with Christ telling us that our relationship with him is based on love that he knows us and we know him and that he wants and needs to bring others into the fold. That motion picture continues with his death and resurrection Which he told us about in this scripture "I lay down my life for the sheep." "For this reason, the Father loves me, because I lay down my life in order to take it up again." "No one takes it (his life) from me, but I lay it down of my own accord." And after all that, Our motion picture concludes with Jesus tying everything together when he talks with Peter after breakfast on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, We know this story: From chapter 21: 15-17 Do you see what happens here? Jesus, in this post resurrection period repeatedly tells Peter "Feed my lambs." "Feed my sheep" and thus builds on this morning's scripture thus telling not only Peter, but also the other disciples and those of us who are their successors That he (they) (we) are to be his good shepherds That's not a nod and smile kind of thing Not even as one resumes work after a week of vacation Not even in a week of remarkable tragedies brought on By human hate, chemical explosion, and earthquake It is instead a commitment A commitment that - like worship - requires involvement and participation. For our relationship with the good shepherd Not only comforts and benefits us as his sheep But also requires that we be the shepherds Who care for and feed others And bring still more sheep into his fold. I am reminded almost daily of my roles As both a sheep cared for by Jesus and a shepherd called to service by him. For my office is dominated by the Horwood window depicting Christ as the Good Shepherd a window that is dedicated to Rev. and Mrs. John W. Miller John W. Miller shepherded this congregation over a century ago And was the shepherd when the work began on our building And participated in the first wedding in this sanctuary. Like John W. Miller We are sheep in Christ's fold We know him and we love him He knows us and he loves us And like John W. Miller We are shepherds doing Christ's work of caring for and rescuing other sheep. As I worked on this message, Even in this week of devastating events, I could not escape the comfort that window provided To me as one of his sheep Nor the awe that I am one of his shepherds entrusted with looking after and increasing his flock For a moment I even wondered If the Good Shepherd in Rev. Miller's window would have had tears in his eyes If I had tried to get away with a "smile and nod" sermon And cheated you by doing so.