January 22, 2012:
Gone Fishing Massena Grace and First (Pulpit Exchange) Call: Jonah 3:1-5, 10 Text: Mark 1: 14-20 Read: Psalm 62 (787) Gone Fishing I may have - as I suggested earlier - the poorest singing voice in the UNY annual conference. I may have - as the elementary chorus director stated several years ago when rejecting my participation in that body - Only one note - a low G - in my entire singing voice [and here I need to observe that every time I think I get a note right during worship, I check the hymnal and discover that it was indeed a low G.] I could even be the most musically challenged person to stand behind the pulpit in the history of Methodism. But I am a Methodist. I am a lifelong Methodist And it is virtually impossible for anyone - regardless of talent - to have spent as many years in Methodist churches as I have Without acquiring an appreciation For congregational hymns and their importance to worship And without developing an ability To recognize hymns that help bring the scriptures to life. In fact, I would venture to suggest that My VMD (vocal music disability) May well have made me more conscious of the words in hymns Than many more musically gifted pastors. In fact in the five years I was serving Grace, Ellen, on several occasions, had to remind her skeptical singers "Jim chooses hymns on the words more than on the music." And while I don't mean to imply that I don't pay attention to the music, I do focus on the words. In some services, I have even concluded that one of our hymns was a better sermon than the one I was about to preach. [Of course, I preached those sermons anyway - thus giving the congregation a chance to reach the same conclusion.] It is that focus on the words that led me to the third verse of our opening hymn "Lord, You Have Come To The Lakeshore." This verse struck me and spoke to me Even though I couldn't make it rhyme And I like my hymns to rhyme. Even though I had to add a few words To meaningfully read the verse aloud For when I read aloud I like it to be meaningful That third verse, located on the second page and outside the staff Is, along with the hymn's three other verses, A verse in which we - as we sing it - are speaking to Christ. "You need my hands You need them to be full of caring So that through my labors others may receive rest And so too, they may receive your constant love, a love that keeps on loving. In other words, when we sing that verse We are acknowledging That Christ, who came to the Lakeshore Needs us to be his hands and to do his work. When we sing that verse We are recognizing That we must be full of caring and that we must be full of his constant love And that if we are Others will be at peace Thus Jesus calls us Over the tumult of our life's wild restless sea This is a constant call; this is a persistent call, for Day by day his sweet voice soundeth "Christian, follow me." That constant and persistent call is what today's scriptures are all about. That is why God called Jonah A second time, even though Jonah had dramatically said "No!" the first time [saying "No" by chartering a boat to flee from God A plan that was thwarted by a great storm and a big fish] [Jonah 3: 1-3a] And that too, is why Christ began his ministry By calling disciples So that they could be trained To call more followers after his death, resurrection, and ascension. Mark tells us that story. Mark 1: 14-20 Christ called Peter and Andrew They didn't flee like Jonah They put a "Gone Fishing" sign on their boat And they went to fish with and for the one who called them. Christ called James and John They didn't flee like Jonah either They left their father, explaining that they too, were going fishing And they went to fish with and for the one who called them. Christ calls each of us to be witnesses and to make disciples Do we, despite the fact that the approach didn't work particularly well for Jonah, try to charter a boat and flee from the call? [That boat may well be named the ""I'm too busy to help you God"] Or Do we drop our nets, put a "Gone Fishing" sign on our boats, And go fish with and for him? These are valid questions. These are questions we do have to ask ourselves. These are questions that we do have to answer for ourselves. But even if we or others elect the Jonah boat chartering approach We - and they - must Recognize that our God is caring and loving We - and they - must Remember that our God is a God of Second Chances And of third, fourth, and fifth chances as well. Jonah may have tried to flee But eventually, "after some further persuasion," He went and he delivered the message to those in Nineveh And although Jonah was not happy about it His answering the call - reluctant and forced as it was - Saved God's gentile children in that city I believe that God's delight that Jonah finally went Far exceeded God's anger at Jonah's initial refusal to go. Why do I think that? Because I have read Christ's parables I have read the one about the two brothers One of whom said he would do what he was told to do But didn't The other brother said he wouldn't do what he was told to do But then he actually did it - and received praise for it God gave him a second chance I have read about the shepherd going after a solitary lamb and about the prodigal son who returned home to his father's joy even though he had wasted his inheritance The lamb which had wandered away got a second chance The son who had both wandered and wasted got one too How can we read any of these or the story of the call to Saul on the Road to Damascus without seeing, without learning, without understanding that God not only gives, but loves to give, second chances. Even to those who - like Jonah - resist or reject the initial call And as we ask and answer the questions we also have to recognize that None of us, no matter how quickly we responded, Is ever a perfect servant. Think of Peter denying knowing Christ? Think of James and John arguing about who was the greatest These guys were great servants of Christ But they were not perfect servants But the scriptures are not the only place for us to look For examples of reluctant, protesting responses to God's call Or For examples of imperfect servants I suggest that we look in the pews I suggest that we look behind the pulpits I suggest that we look in the mirror. Why are we so afraid to answer the call to serve? It's not that we don't know it is God calling us Jonah knew it was God telling him to go to Nineveh But he fled anyway Peter knew that the man arrested in the garden was the Christ But he denied knowing him anyway Now, if I were to tell you to go to Nineveh You'd have every right - maybe even responsibility - To question the wisdom and fairness of the instruction But it was God - not Jim Barnes - who told Jonah And because he knew the mission was dangerous He fled anyway If I were the one arrested You'd have every right - almost certainly the responsibility - To weigh the risk of admitting that you knew me But it was Jesus - not Jim Barnes - who was arrested And Peter who in this morning's scripture had immediately dropped his nets when Jesus called him Was afraid And denied him anyway. The truth is that we are afraid Because Christian discipleship always has a cost. For Jonah it was physical danger and the risk of humiliation He decided the cost was too much - until persuaded For the foursome who dropped their nets in our scripture, it was Leaving their livelihood And leaving their families They agreed to pay it at the time of they were called But later their response was not always consistent For most of us the cost is usually An expenditure of time, energy, and money A lesser cost than in this morning's scriptures, but a cost nonetheless. However, the cost of not accepting the call to serve is much greater For in taking that approach We deprive Christ of our hands and of our labors And we deprive others of the love and peace They would have had - if we had answered the call. With these scriptures in our minds, the question you and I need to ask ourselves, this week and in the weeks ahead is: "When we look back on our lives Will we see a "Gone Fishing" sign Or will we simply see a crazy quilt Of indulgent and nonsacrificial behavior And a life of a person Who was unwilling to pay the cost. I'm hoping for a "gone fishing" sign But my hope is based not on my gifts or actions (I have proved over and over again that I am not a perfect servant.) But rather, my hope is based on the fact that our God is a God of love and of second chances.