Potsdam United Methodist Church
Where we let Jesus shine! Where we invite, love and nurture ALL!
Sunday Worship
11:00am Service
Pastor Heidi R. Chamberlain
Information info@potsdamumc.org

August 16th, 2020 - 11th Sunday after Pentecost: We are bound together by faith in God's unconditional love for us

Prelude: Young: Prelude in Classic Style, played by Luciano Zecca

Greeting and Pastoral Prayer

Gracious and compassionate Lord, You show us time, and time again that we are not alone; that You are present with us, guiding us, teaching us, gathering us in as Your people. Open our eyes that we are able to see that there are many who worship You and are bound with us in praise of Your abiding presence and love for all of us. Teach us the mystery that we are connected with all, anywhere, who worship You. Lead us into justice and peace so our lives may reflect Your blessing toward us. May our hearts sing for joy so that our praise for Your faithfulness rings loud and strong so others may join our chorus.

During this time of worship, center our hearts, our souls, and our minds on Your Presence with us as we lift to you the prayers of our hearts. We know You promise to hear our prayers, always, and with confidence,

We come to pray for Our Church, for it's leaders and congregation Our world and our country our loved ones - keep them: keep them in health, in safety, in comfort, in Your care Keep us, also and send forth Your Holy Spirit of truth, of comfort, and of power. We pray for any among us who feel constrained, or emotionally distressed by our time and era and for any who need to know Your love for them in this hurting world.

We also lift to You those who need comfort as they mourn their loved ones. Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit, The comforter, who would remind us of Your promises that Nothing in life, or in Death, things present, nor things to come, nor angel or demons within our lives, nor anything in all of creation will ever be able to separate us from Your love in Jesus the Christ, our Lord.

The Lord's Prayer

Opening Hymn: No. 121 There's a Wideness in God's Mercy

Call to Worship: Psalm 67 [adapted]

  • Pastor: May God be gracious to us and bless us;
  • People: May God make God's face to shine upon us.
  • Pastor: May Your ways be made known, O God;
  • People: May Your saving power be made known.
  • Pastor: Let the peoples praise You, O God;
  • People: Let all the peoples praise You.
  • Pastor: God, our God, has blessed us;
  • People: May we be glad and sing for joy for Your blessings toward us.

Choral Anthem: Choplin: Build Your House on the Solid Rock

Unison Prayer:

God of our hope, You are always ready to show us Your abiding presence and love for us. We, like little children, sometimes feel that Your love and blessing is only for us, and our own people, but You continually teach us that Your love reaches out and is faithful to all persons anywhere who are living in faith as Your people. Send forth Your Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth that provides Your justice, and Your love for all persons. Open our hearts in compassion to show Your abiding love and presence within their lives through our actions. Transform our world and lives to reflect Your loving care for all person within this hurting world. Give us zeal to proclaim Your love for all persons. Give us such faith that we know that Your love and blessings are so expansive that we will flourish when all persons are gathered within Your kingdom of love and light.

Hymn: FWS No. 2237 As a Fire is Meant for Burning

Gospel Reading and message Isaiah 56: 1, 6-8, Matthew 15: 10-28, We are bound together by faith in God's unconditional love for us

Closing Hymn: FWS No. 2151 I'm So Glad Jesus Lifted Me

Benediction: [adapted]

  • Pastor: God has a future and a dream for all of God's people;
  • People: God will gather us together in love.
  • Pastor: God intends to bind us together in peace;
  • People: Praise and thanksgiving to God will make us into one peoples.
  • Pastor: God calls us to do justice, to love kindness, and walk in faith of God's love;
  • People: We are called to be the people of God through loving actions of justice.
  • Pastor: God's promises are for all, anywhere, who bind themselves to God our Savior;
  • People: We are connected with all, anywhere, who walk in faith of God's love.
  • Pastor: Praise the Lord, O people of God, for God will not abandon any who call on God's name.
  • People: We will journey forth singing the praise and honor of God.

Postlude: Stanley: Trumpet Voluntary, played by Mark Steiner