Potsdam United Methodist Church
Where we let Jesus shine! Where we invite, love and nurture ALL!
Sunday Worship
11:00am Service
Pastor Heidi R. Chamberlain
Information info@potsdamumc.org

July 19th, 2020 - 7th Sunday after Pentecost : God's thoughts and not ours; Our thoughts are not God's

Prelude: Tournemire: "Prelude a l'Introit" from L'Orgue Mystique, played by David M. Patrick

Greeting and Pastoral Prayer

God of our hope, You are wiser than our understanding of this world. We have developed beliefs that fall short of Your ways and thoughts. We come today waiting for Your Word to us so our understanding of our lives in this world makes more sense to us, and to give us assurance that You will be faithful to us throughout our journey of faith. Send Your Holy Spirit in this time to strengthen us in our faith that You are faithful from everlasting to everlasting.

During this time of worship, center our hearts, our souls, and our minds on Your Presence with us as we lift to you the prayers of our hearts. We know You promise to hear our prayers, always, and in confidence,

We come to pray for Our Church, for it's leaders and congregation Our world and our country our loved ones - keep them: keep them in health, in safety, in comfort, in Your care Keep us, also and send forth Your Holy Spirit of truth, of comfort, and of power. We pray for any among us who feel constrained, or emotionally distressed by our time and era and for any who need to know Your love for them in this hurting world.

We also lift to You those who need comfort as they mourn their loved ones. Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit, The comforter, who would remind us of Your promises that Nothing in life, or in Death, things present, nor things to come, nor angel or demons within our lives, nor anything in all of creation will ever be able to separate us from Your love in Jesus the Christ, our Lord.

The Lord's Prayer

Opening Hymn: No. 577 God of Grace and God of Glory

Call to Worship: Psalm 86: 11- 13a; 15-16a [adapted]

  • Pastor: Teach us Your way, O Lord, that we many walk in Your truth;
  • People: We give thanks to You, O Lord our God, with our whole heart, and we will glorify Your name forever.
  • Pastor: For great is the steadfast love of God toward us;
  • People: You, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.
  • Pastor: Turn to us and be gracious to us;
  • People Give Your strength to your servants;

Choral Anthem: Rorem: Sing, My Soul, His Wondrous Love

Unison Prayer:

Patient and loving God, as we journey in our faith we have many questions and uncertainty. You, from the very beginning of our lives, were present with us, loving us, calling us by name, and trying to protect us from our rash actions or poor choices. We desire to weed out those things we think are wrong, or evil, and yet You call us to continue to grow in Your Kingdom with patience and love. Your ways teach us that You will be faithful to us, and we will see that faithfulness. We are often impatient to see the fulfillment of Your Kingdom. We ask for Your Holy Spirit to come and guide us in Your truth so our lives reflect Your ways, and Your love. Strengthen us in our understanding of how Your love strengthens our journey of faith, day by day, like a plant within our gardens that grow and strengthen. Help us see our growth, so we are not distracted by the what we would call weeds, or evil within our lives. Help us see how You nourish our roots by Your teachings through Jesus the Christ and the through the power of Your Holy Spirit.

Hymn: No. 707 Hymn of Promise

Gospel Reading and message Isaiah 44: 6-8, Matthew 13: 24-30, 36-43 God's thoughts and not ours; Our thoughts are not God's

Closing Hymn: No. 413 A Charge to Keep I Have

Benediction: Isaiah 44: 6-8 [adapted]

  • Pastor: We are called to remain fruitful, healthy fields of grain.
  • People: May we wait for the Kingdom of God with patience, steadfast faithfulness, perseverance, and hope.
  • Pastor: While we wait, God is waiting with us.
  • People: God's promises are both now and in the future faithful and true.
  • Pastor: We hear God say " I am the first and I am the last;
  • People: and God tells us " Do not fear or be afraid; Have I not told you from of old and declared it?
  • Pastor: We are God's Witnesses.
  • People: There is no other rock; We know not one.
  • Pastor: Trust God;
  • People: for God is faithful and true, from everlasting to everlasting.

Postlude: Boellmann: "Menuet Gothique" from Suite Gothique, played by Donald McCullough