Potsdam United Methodist Church
Where we let Jesus shine! Where we invite, love and nurture ALL!
Sunday Worship
11:00am Service
Pastor Heidi R. Chamberlain
Information info@potsdamumc.org

Musings From Behind the Pulpit, April 2014

The year 2014 is going to be a very good year for this congregation. It has gotten off to a great start.

Our Global Mission Dinner raised more money than it had in the previous (also quite successful) years of its existence.

The Lenten Faith and Fellowship chats have been such a valuable addition that the participants want to continue them after the season is over.

The "Momentum For Life" classes had great participation.

We joyously welcomed the first ever UNY Road Trip and received countless compliments on our hospitality (and our meal).

We even had good financial news. The UNY's change in our multi peril insurance carrier has reduced our annual premium by $4,100.

But these joys are not the only reasons I am convinced that 2014 will be a great year for us. Another reason is that in 2014 you will have a better pastor. He will still be bearded and balding. He will still have an off beat sense of humor. He will still be me (or should I say, "I")?

In the first three months of this year, after two years of struggling with the intertwined questions of whether I had fulfilled my call to this congregation and whether it was time for a new - almost certainly younger - pastor to take over and lead the congregation forward, I finally came to the realization that I had wasted way too much time and way too much energy on a question that wasn't mine to answer.

In my effort to figure them out, I had not only misdirected some of my attention away from leading the congregation, but also had failed to truly entrust the decision to the one to whom it belonged: Jesus Christ.

No more! I am done with wasting my time and energy and stepping on Christ's toes. From now on, I am leaving those questions to Him (with any help the Bishop and his cabinet want to give Him).

Instead, I will be focusing on being the best leader and best servant that I can possibly be - right up to my mandatory retirement on June 30, 2018. During that time, I want us to build on our existing relationships and accomplishments to make this congregation one of Christ's most effective tools.

The opening of my eyes, ears, mind and heart occurred during one of the most significant winters in recent years. Thus inspired, I offer you some more "ICE."

This "ICE" is not slippery or dangerous. It is a quick summary of my expectations for this congregation and, hopefully, an inspiration for us to make this a truly great year of Christian discipleship. Each letter represents three positive characteristic to be sought and lived and one negative characteristic to be discarded and avoided.

The "I" represents involvement, interaction, improvement, and indifference.

I expect us to be involved in this congregation and its ministries. I want us to interact with each other and with others whom we can bring to Christ and Christ's work. I want us to improve our faith and our service.

However, I expect us to rid ourselves of any indifference to others and to Christ. For if we don't care, we shouldn't consider ourselves followers of Christ.

The "C" represents commitment, compassion, challenges, and complaining.

I expect us to be committed to Christ and to serving Him through this congregation. I expect us to be committed to fulfilling the "Great Commission" (to be witnesses and to make disciples) and the "Great Commandment (to fully love God and our neighbors). I expect us to be compassionate to all - especially those who are hurting.

I expect us to encounter challenges (some of our own making and some not) and to work together to overcome those challenges.

However, I expect us to rid ourselves of complaining. Constructive and lovingly conveyed criticism can be of help to all of us, but complaining is a disease that has destroyed many a church and many a person. And it is a contagious disease.

The "E" represents excitement, enthusiasm, energy, and exasperation.

I expect us to approach worship and service with energy and enthusiasm. I expect our services and our service to be exciting.

However, I expect us to not let exasperation take control of us and discourage us. Remember Christ is with us. Nothing should discourage us.

And I hope that like this winter, our "ICE" will never end.
