Potsdam United Methodist Church
Where we let Jesus shine! Where we invite, love and nurture ALL!
Sunday Worship
11:00am Service
Pastor Heidi R. Chamberlain
Information info@potsdamumc.org

Musings From Behind the Pulpit, August 2012

As I sat in Shelly's beauty parlor waiting to get my nail done, I began to read "Elle" magazine. And lo and behold, I was inspired to write this column.

Before I explain the inspiration let me explain the setting in which I received it.

Note that is "nail" not "nails." I have never had my nails done. In fact, getting them done has never contended for a place on my bucket list. However, while moving into the parsonage in 2007, I had managed to break/split the nail on the index/pointer figure of my left hand. After five years I finally concluded that it wasn't going to repair itself. Thus, I needed a professional. [A conclusion that a normal person would have reached much more quickly.]

As I waited, I picked up "Elle" magazine for the first time in my life. In amongst a rather large number of pictures, I found the advice column. As I debated quietly with its writer, I realized that I had always enjoyed such columns and had often thought that writing one would be fun,

After all, I used to read "Dear Abby" and Ann Landers. I have read "Ask Laskas" in "Readers Digest" and I have read whoever writes the column for "AARP Magazine" (they do allow us young guys to read it as well.)

Sitting in that shop, reading that magazine, and with my inherent self confidence, I had an epiphany, "I can write one of these every bit as well as those getting paid to do it." [And as he reads that last sentence, my son Justin will shake his head and say, "Of course you thought that, Dad."] The second part of my epiphany was that these musings provide me with a perfect opportunity to see if I can. Thus was conceived what I expect to be a periodic feature of my musings.

I considered giving you a chance to name the column, but rejected that idea when I thought about what your suggestions might be, Ultimately, I decided to title it, "Dare To Ask Jim?" [I advise you to hold on to your copy of this initial column, because it is likely to become a collector's item.]

"Dare To Ask Jim?" (Issue 1 - August 2012)

Dear Jim,

I read that our new Bishop, Mark Webb, is bearded and claims to not be able to carry a tune. Is he related to you?

Nervous About the Answer

Dear Nervous,

Thank you for being daring enough to inquire. Thank you especially for inquiring of me and not of Bishop Webb. I fear that if you had asked him he would have been so alarmed that any one could think that he might be related to me, that he would decide to refuse his appointment to our conference. But you (and he) can relax, the bishop may share those similarities with me, but we are not related. In fact, we have not yet met.


Dear Jim,

I am giving some thought to taking a vacation from church this summer. Do you think that God will be upset with me?


Dear Tired,

What do you mean by "vacation from church?"

If you mean spending less time working on church activities so that you can rest, refresh, and reinvigorate yourself to serve in the fall, I am confident that God would not only understand, but also be pleased that you were so wise. Recognizing that this is a need many have, our congregation deliberately down shifts the church's activities during the summer.

Taking a vacation from worship is, however, another matter. While I doubt that God would be angry (mercy, love, and forgiveness are part of God's make up), I do believe that such a decision would disappoint God for worshipping is an essential way of feeling the comfort of God's closeness to us. I urge you to consider including worship as a part of your rest. And, of course when you cannot worship with us, I encourage you to bring me bulletins from where you do worship.


Dear Jim

I used to know everyone in the pews, but now I look around our sanctuary and see a lot of people whom I do not know. That makes me uncomfortable.

Pining for the Old Days

Dear Pining,

Persons who worship in churches that are growing often experience this. Fortunately, there is an easy and effective cure for your problem: introduce yourself to those whom you don't know! If one responds, "I've been coming here for several months," simply reply, "Then it is well past the time that I should have done this. I am glad I have finally corrected my error." And don't even think that the burden of the introduction was on them and not on you. If you ever tell me that, then you will find out why it takes some daring to ask Jim.


[Editor's Note: Questions for "Daring To Ask Jim" can be submitted to "The Trumpeter" at UMCPotsdam@yahoo.com.]